Kubernetes mariadb Installation (helm)

by Anish

Posted on Friday Jnauary 11, 2019



In this article we will learn how to to setup jenkins in kubernetes cluster using helm

Helm: Helm is a tool for managing Kubernetes charts. Charts are packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources.

  • Let's Begin deploying mariadb using helm in kubernetes , if you are new to helm then download and initialize helm as follows
root@kube-master:#  helm init
root@kube-master:# kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
root@kube-master:# kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule \
   --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
root@kube-master:#  kubectl patch deploy --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy \
   -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}}'
  • Make sure the title-deploy pod is up and running
root@kube-master:/home/ansible# kubectl get pods -n kube-system 
NAME                                  READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
coredns-78fcdf6894-jvmlb              1/1       Running   0          1h
coredns-78fcdf6894-xstbn              1/1       Running   0          1h
etcd-kube-master                      1/1       Running   0          1h
kube-apiserver-kube-master            1/1       Running   0          1h
kube-controller-manager-kube-master   1/1       Running   0          1h
kube-flannel-ds-5gzn9                 1/1       Running   0          1h
kube-flannel-ds-tlc8j                 1/1       Running   0          1h
kube-proxy-kl4fg                      1/1       Running   0          1h
kube-proxy-krt6n                      1/1       Running   0          1h
kube-scheduler-kube-master            1/1       Running   0          1h
tiller-deploy-85744d9bfb-wh98g        1/1       Running   0          1h
  • Once titler pod is up and running, deploying mariadb uses bitnami docker images, for this we need to go and create PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim

  • Define the PersistentVolume for mariadb-pv where the mariadb data to be stored. The hostPath tells the mysql directory is in /bitnami/mariadb location

root@kube-master:# cat mariadb-hostpath.yaml 
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: mariadb-pv
    storage: 1Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce
    - ReadOnlyMany
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
    path: /bitnami/mariadb

Define the PersistentVolume for mariadbslave-pv where the mariadbslave data to be stored. The hostPath tells the mysql directory is in /bitnami/mariadbslave location

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: mariadbslave-pv
    storage: 1Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce
    - ReadOnlyMany
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
    path: /bitnami/mariadbslave
  • Create PersistentVolume in kube cluster
root@kube-master:# kubectl create -f  mariadb-hostpath.yaml 
persistentvolume/mariadb-pv created

root@kube-master:# kubectl create -f  mariadbslave-hostpath.yaml  
persistentvolume/mariadbslave-pv created
  • Check the PersistentVolume is available for use
root@kube-master:/home/ansible# kubectl get pv 
NAME              CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS    CLAIM                                  STORAGECLASS   REASON    AGE
mariadb-pv        1Gi        RWO,ROX        Retain           Bound     default/data-mariadb-mariadb-slave-0                            6m
mariadbslave-pv   1Gi        RWO,ROX        Retain           Bound     default/mariadb-pvc        
  • Define PersistentVolumeClaim mariadb-pvc
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: mariadb-pvc
  storageClassName: ""
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 1Gi

  • Define PersistentVolumeClaim data-mariadb-mariadb-slave-0
root@kube-master:# cat mariadbslave-pvc.yaml 
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: data-mariadb-mariadb-slave-0
  storageClassName: ""
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 1Gi
  • Create PersistentVolumeClaim in kube cluster
root@kube-master:# kubectl create -f  mariadb-pvc.yaml 
persistentvolumeclaim/mariadb-pvc created

root@kube-master:# kubectl create -f  mariadbslave-pvc.yaml 
persistentvolumeclaim/data-mariadb-mariadb-slave-0 created
  • Check the PersistentVolumeClaim is bounded to mysql-pv
root@kube-master:# kubectl get pvc
NAME                           STATUS    VOLUME            CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
data-mariadb-mariadb-slave-0   Bound     mariadb-pv        1Gi        RWO,ROX                       11s
mariadb-pvc                    Bound     mariadbslave-pv   1Gi        RWO,ROX                       25s                      6s
  • mariadb Installation starts here, this is done through helm the kubernetes package manager,
  • Download the mariadb required chart configuration file
root@kube-master:# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/charts/master/stable/mariadb/values.yaml
  • Edit the file and change to according to your need, for this demo i just change the master existingClaim value
# Enable persistence using an existing PVC
existingClaim: mariadb-pvc

while setting up mariadb cluster the persistence.existingClaim=jenkins-pvc is set which we have created earlier for manual change use the below setting

helm install --name mariadb --set
master.persistence.existingClaim=mariadb-pvc stable/mariadb

root@kube-master:# helm install --name mariadb  -f values.yaml stable/mariadb
NAME:   mariadb
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Jan 15 15:36:17 2019
NAMESPACE: default

==> v1beta1/StatefulSet
NAME                    DESIRED  CURRENT  AGE
mariadb-mariadb-master  1        1        2s
mariadb-mariadb-slave   1        1        2s

==> v1/Pod(related)
NAME                      READY  STATUS             RESTARTS  AGE
mariadb-mariadb-master-0  0/1    ContainerCreating  0         2s
mariadb-mariadb-slave-0   0/1    ContainerCreating  0         2s

==> v1/Secret
mariadb  Opaque  2     2s

==> v1/ConfigMap
NAME                    DATA  AGE
mariadb-mariadb-master  1     2s
mariadb-mariadb-slave   1     2s
mariadb-tests           1     2s

==> v1/Service
NAME                   TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP  PORT(S)   AGE
mariadb                ClusterIP  <none>       3306/TCP  2s
mariadb-mariadb-slave  ClusterIP  <none>       3306/TCP  2s


Please be patient while the chart is being deployed


  Watch the deployment status using the command: kubectl get pods -w --namespace default -l release=mariadb


  echo Master: mariadb.default.svc.cluster.local:3306
  echo Slave:  mariadb-mariadb-slave.default.svc.cluster.local:3306

Administrator credentials:

  Username: root
  Password : $(kubectl get secret --namespace default mariadb -o jsonpath="{.data.mariadb-root-password}" | base64 --decode)

To connect to your database:

  1. Run a pod that you can use as a client:

      kubectl run mariadb-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --image  docker.io/bitnami/mariadb:10.1.37 --namespace default --command -- bash

  2. To connect to master service (read/write):

      mysql -h mariadb.default.svc.cluster.local -uroot -p my_database

  3. To connect to slave service (read-only):

      mysql -h mariadb-mariadb-slave.default.svc.cluster.local -uroot -p my_database

To upgrade this helm chart:

  1. Obtain the password as described on the 'Administrator credentials' section and set the 'rootUser.password' parameter as shown below:

      ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default mariadb -o jsonpath="{.data.mariadb-root-password}" | base64 --decode)
      helm upgrade mariadb stable/mariadb --set rootUser.password=$ROOT_PASSWORD
  • View the mariadb container pod is up and running
root@kube-master:# kubectl get pods --watch
NAME                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mariadb-mariadb-master-0   1/1       Running   0          1m
mariadb-mariadb-slave-0    0/1       Running   4          1m
mariadb-mariadb-slave-0   1/1       Running   4         2m
  • Once the mariadb POD is up and running , your mariadb is ready to use

  • To get your root password of mariad run

root@kube-master:/home/ansible# kubectl get secret --namespace default mariadb -o jsonpath="{.data.mariadb-root-password}" | base64 --decode
  • To connect to master service (read/write) within k8 cluster
I have no name!@mariadb-client:/$ mysql -h mariadb.default.svc.cluster.local -uroot -p my_database
Enter password:
**Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.**
**Your MariaDB connection id is 262**
**Server version: 10.1.37-MariaDB Source distribution**
**Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.**
**Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.**
MariaDB [my_database]>
  • To connect to slave service (read-only):
mysql -h mariadb-mariadb-slave.default.svc.cluster.local -uroot -p my_database

All right you have successfully created mariadb master/slave

Video Demo

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