by Anish
Posted on Tuesday July 3rd
Ansible supports property hierarchy, the ansible variable can be overwritten if the following condition matches
Ansible Order of Execution is
In the first create the directory structure used in this example
mkdir -p roles/roletest/tasks/
mkdir -p roles/roletest/vars/
mkdir -p roles/roletest/handlers/
mkdir -p roles/roletest/defaults/
mkdir -p group_vars/
To begin this test,define an ansible variable first in the roletest/defaults/main.yml and in the roletest/vars/main.yml
Content of these files are
[ansible@controller roles]$ cat roletest/defaults/main.yml
first: coming default main
[ansible@controller roles]$ cat roletest/vars/main.yml
first: 'coming from vars main'
[ansible@controller roles]$
The tasks/main.yml file, a very basic definition with debug tasks to check from where the ansible variable first is coming
[ansible@controller roles]$ cat roletest/tasks/main.yml
- debug:
msg: "{{first}}"
The content of the roletest.yml Playbook run file
[ansible@controller opt]$ cat roletest.yml
- hosts: localhost
- { role: roletest }
Running the playbook, I
In the first example the ansible variable first is loaded from the roletest/vars/main.yml file, since the tasks/main.yml doesn't contain this variable defination
[ansible@controller opt]$ ansible-playbook roletest.yml
TASK [roletest : debug] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "coming from vars main"
Now remove this variable first from the roletest/vars/main.yml file and re-run the playbook
This time variable is picked from roletest/defualt/main.yml
TASK [roletest : debug] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "coming default main"
With this structure using group variable the property can be overridden
create variable first in the group_vars/all.ymland re-run the Playbook (Group Variable)
[ansible@controller opt]$ cat group_vars/all.yml
first: "Inside groupvar"
On the Playbook run this property is overridden by group variable
TASK [roletest : debug] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "coming from groupvar"
Override group var through Host Variable
Update the Inventory file and define host variable
localhost first="Coming from Inventroy"
Run the Ansible Playbook you will be notice inventory property is given with max priority from group variable
TASK [roletest : debug] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "Coming from the Inventory"
In this example we will be passing the first variable in the Ansible main playbook run file roletest.yml
Note We have still not defined any variable defination in the tasks/main.yml file
[ansible@controller opt]$ cat roletest.yml
- hosts: localhost
- first: "Coming from Main run"
- { role: roletest }
After running the Playbook, this ansible variable first has picked up the Max priority
TASK [roletest : debug] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "Coming from Main run"
Final test
Test ansible variable first placed in tasks/main.yml will have the MAX preferences
Now this ansible variable first is defined in HOST_VARIABLE , GROUP_VARS, defaults and vars
Modifying the file tasks/main.yml and including the variable file myvar.yml
[ansible@controller opt]$ cat roles/roletest/tasks/main.yml
- include_vars: myvar.yml
- debug:
msg: "{{first}}"
Place this file myvar.yml under roletest/vars/ and run the playbook
The sample Content of the file
[ansible@controller opt]$ cat roles/roletest/vars/myvar.yml
The Ansible Playbook run output
TASK [roletest : debug] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
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