Generate Libp2p/Devp2p Node Keys

Seed Value

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Any private key value that you enter or we generate is not stored on this site, this tool is provided via an HTTPS URL to ensure that private keys cannot be stolen, for extra security run this software on your network, no cloud dependency

About libp2p

libp2p uses cryptographic key pairs to sign messages and derive unique peer identities (or "peer ids")

Where are keys used?

Keys are used in two places in libp2p. The first is for signing messages. Here are some examples of messages we sign:
  • IPNS records
  • PubSub messages
  • SECIO handshake

The second is for generating peer ids

What are the different types of keys?

There are two types of keys in libp2p: asymmetric and symmetric.

Asymmetric keys

Asymmetric keys are used for signing messages and generating peer ids. There are four types of asymmetric keys in libp2p:

  • RSA
  • Ed25519
  • Secp256k1

Symmetric keys

Symmetric keys are used for encrypting messages. There are two types of symmetric keys in libp2p:

  • ChaCha20-Poly1305
  • AES-256

DevP2p (eth/bor)

Ethereum Node Records

Ethereum Node Records (ENR) usually contains the network endpoints of a node, i.e. the node's IP addresses and ports. It also holds information about the node's purpose on the network so others can decide whether to connect to the node

The components of a node record are:

signature: cryptographic signature of record contents seq: The sequence number, a 64-bit unsigned integer. Nodes should increase the number whenever the record changes and republish the record. The remainder of the record consists of arbitrary key/value pairs

